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Genel bakış Endüstriyel ilaç atık suyu
Pharmaceutical waste water treatment
Treating pharmaceutical wastewater is challenging due to its complex composition and the presence of resistant compounds. Key difficulties include:
Recalcitrant Compounds:Resistant chemicals like APIs need advanced treatment.
Toxicity:Toxic substances can disrupt biological treatment processes.
High COD:High organic content demands extensive treatment.
Antibiotic Resistance:Risk of spreading antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Variable Composition:Wastewater composition varies widely, complicating treatment.
High Salinity:Salts interfere with biological processes, requiring additional steps.
Low Biodegradability:Many compounds resist biodegradation.
Regulatory Compliance:Strict standards are hard to meet.
High Costs:Advanced treatments are costly and energy-intensive.
Sludge Management:Safe disposal of hazardous sludge is required.
Advanced, tailored solutions are essential to effectively manage pharmaceutical wastewater.