Система рекуперации растворителя использует принцип дистилляции, нагревая испаряющийся растворитель в газообразный пар, пар поступает в систему охлаждения, где происходит сжижение, что позволяет получить чистый органический растворитель. Регенерация, переработка и повторное использование отработанного, грязного, старого органического растворителя.

Обзор Нефть и газ
Ресурсы сточных вод
A large amount of water resources need to be supplemented during the oil and gas extraction and petroleum refining production process. Due to the complex composition of crude oil, the extraction process, refining process and processing technology are gradually refined, resulting in increasingly complex pollution composition of associated wastewater.
Petrochemical wastewater mainly includes oil and gas field wastewater and refinery chemical wastewater. Among them, oil and gas field wastewater mainly comes from drilling mud, completion fluid, produced water and acidic/pressure return fluid generated in the oil and gas field development and production process (drilling, completion, well washing, downhole operations, oil and gas production, etc.).
Refinery chemical wastewater mainly comes from electrical desalination wastewater, desulfurization and denitrification wastewater, alkali slag neutralization water, cooling water and circulating water field sewage generated in the crude oil refining production process (normal and vacuum distillation, catalytic cracking, reforming, hydrogenation, delayed coking and auxiliary supporting links)