Solvent recovery system use the principle of distillation, by heating evaporation solvent into a gaseous vapor, vapor into the cooling system liquefaction outflow, so that the recovery of clean organic solvent. waste, dirty, old organic solvent regeneration, recycling and reuse.

Overview of Industry pharmaceutical waste water
Pharmaceutical waste water treatment
Treating pharmaceutical wastewater is challenging due to its complex composition and the presence of resistant compounds. Key difficulties include:
Recalcitrant Compounds:Resistant chemicals like APIs need advanced treatment.
Toxicity:Toxic substances can disrupt biological treatment processes.
High COD:High organic content demands extensive treatment.
Antibiotic Resistance:Risk of spreading antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Variable Composition:Wastewater composition varies widely, complicating treatment.
High Salinity:Salts interfere with biological processes, requiring additional steps.
Low Biodegradability:Many compounds resist biodegradation.
Regulatory Compliance:Strict standards are hard to meet.
High Costs:Advanced treatments are costly and energy-intensive.
Sludge Management:Safe disposal of hazardous sludge is required.
Advanced, tailored solutions are essential to effectively manage pharmaceutical wastewater.